Through our partnership with the RHSI we deliver offer  a free courses held two days a week. These courses are open to people who are unemployed and participants from other organisations such as WALK

the Garden School operates as a social enterprise. through our initiative The New Growth Project we offer free horticultural training for unemployed and those with

intellectual disabilities. the New Growth Project is self-funded

by revenue created through fee paying courses. Through our activities we also work with community groups to promote gardening as an activity, raise awareness of the benefits  of gardening  and environmental education.


Horticultural training

The aim is to provide horticultural training and education to individuals who have a desire to make the first step towards a horticultural profession, and also to encourage people to grow their own food and experience gardening and the benefits it brings for health and mental well being.

Participants in the course have the chance to work alongside and learn from Ciarán Burke and other participants and volunteers with The Garden School at Marlay Park. There are no course fees. There are eight places on the course.

Our Inspiration

People are our inspiration. Everybody has a story, every person has the potential to do something good, something great. Through our courses we help others to learn new skills, provide a situation where people can interact with others,  and feel good about themselves and life in general.

People need hope, encouragement and some help. Horticulture is an area of great potential in Ireland, and in our country there is huge scope for building horticultural enterprise, both in ornamental sector and food production. The New Growth Project is our small way that we hope to help some people to help themselves.


The course takes place at the Garden School at RHSI, Laurermere, Marlay Park, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16

Times and Duration

The training is held two days a week, (Monday and Thursday) for four hours each day, 10.00 am to 2 pm, the course runs for 12 weeks. After the initial period of twelve weeks participants may choose to continue studying for up to a total of 48 weeks. There are also opportunities for participants to volunteer in the garden with The Garden School.

Further learning

Individuals will have different needs, we will try to meet individuals needs for further learning as part of The New growth Project and through the RHS Qualifications we will help people to gain knowledge and horticultural training to a level that suits their abilities and needs.


Anyone over the age of 18 is entitled to apply. No experience in horticulture is required and no knowledge of gardening is expected.

Successful applicants must show an interest in gardening/nature and be willing to work in an outdoor environment including enduring a little rain. Participants will need to have their own transport.

The past courses have had more applications than places. We picked the applicants by lottery and this is what we will continue to do. If you have applied for a previous course you can apply again.

Course Contents

General gardening and horticulture.

An informal course focusing on practical participation, developing the love of gardening, knowledge and skills while enjoying the social aspect of gardening with a group of other people interested in gardening.

Entry Requirements

There are no pre-requisites for entry to this qualification.

Participants will also learn:

Propagate and grow new plants from seeds and cuttings

Understand how plants grow and their requirements for healthy growth

Grow vegetables and fruit for home use.

Select, places and plant ornamental plants in borders and in the garden

Weed control


Garden layout

Environmental impacts of horticulture and sustainability issues

Organic methods of treating plant problems


Participants on the course will be required to keep a work diary.

Course Tutor

Ciarán Burke will be the prinicipal course tutor. Ciaran is a qualified horticulturist with over twenty years experience including horticultural food production, garden retailing, garden design and horticultural training and education. Ciarán is a well known horticulturist who writes for a number of publications including the Irish Garden magazine and lectures to garden clubs and horticultural societies. He possesses a great plant knowledge and is enthusiastic about growing edible crops and ornamental gardening. Through his work with The Garden School he shares his love for his subject by preparing people for their Royal Horticultural Society examinations.

Fuki Yoshida who has been volunteering at The Garden School and whom has also stiudied for the RHS Level 2 Certificate in the Principles of Horticulture  and Aoife Munn, lecturer and qualified horticulturist (RHS M. Hort) will also be delivering the course.

Applying for the Course


Applicants must send an up to date C.V.

There are no course fees.  REGISTRATION FEE OF €50 IS REQUIRED.

Successful applicants must be prepared to work outdoors and as such have suitable footwear and clothing (e.g. wellington boots, rain proof jacket, gardening gloves etc.). Participants on the course must be able to work with others as part of a team and be able to take instruction.

To apply for a place on the course send an email with C.V to



“Our mission is to provide free education and training for unemployed and disadvantaged people. Raise awareness of the environment, the physical health benefits and mental well being that gardening can have and bring people together socially through gardening and promote healthy, active lifestyles.”

The New Growth Project is a charity project that we have started to provide free horticultural training to unemployed people. The first course took place in our garden in Co. Mayo in March 2012 and we followed that with two more throughout the year. Our first course had 4 participants but now we have improved facilities so this year we will be offering 8 places on the course in the RHSI Garden School in Marlay Park, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16.

Any profits made from The Garden School will go to The New Growth Project and schools workshops. If you want to support our project  you can do so by enrolling on a course or book a one day course. We also offer a home study course for the RHS Level 2 Certificate in Horticulture.



Our Vision For The New Growth Project 

Learn, Live and  Grow

Our mission is to provide free education and training for unemployed and disadvantaged people, promote the mental health and well being that gardening can provide, raise awareness of the environment and bring people together socially through gardening and promote healthy active lifestyles.

Gardening provides opportunities for people to experience nature, socialize and time to let your mind heal while interacting with soil, plants and nature.

Working With Communities

We propagate and grow lots of plants with The New Growth Project at Marlay Park. The plants that we produce are given to local residence and community groups who are working on projects to enhance their surrounding and raise awareness of gardening and environment. We ask only for a small contribution to help cover costs of composts, pots and operating costs.


Garden Volunteers

We have a number of opportunities for volunteers. You can volunteer to help in the garden for a few hours each week and learn about gardening. We will soon be starting work on our garden at Laurelmere and also in the walled garden.

Administration Volunteers

We are also looking for someone to help with administration and drawing up a business plan to help bring The New Growth Project to the next stage of development and make a greater difference to the world. 

You can help us raise the money for this by booking a course or buying a t-Shirt.

One Day Course in Marlay Park

T-Shirts For Gardeners

We have been delighted to be working with WALK and have three participants from their training programme on The New growth Project course in Spring 2015.

WALK Rehabilitative Training (RT) programme is designed to offer people with an intellectual disability the opportunity to develop skills which empower them to lead more self directed lives.


The impact of The New Growth Project may be felt all the way across the world in Java, Indonesia. One of our course participants this Spring is Robert O’ hagan, a primatologist who will be working with the Little Fireface Project in Java. there he will be working with schools and local communities to help preserve habitats for the endangered Slow Loris. His great knowledge of primates and conversation will be bolstered by the horticultural techniques he is learning with us in Marlay Park.

Learn about Slow Loris and Little Fireface Project


BEE-Friendly Kilcross at the Kilcross Resource Centre.


 As part of the community initiative to raise awareness of the importance of BEES and pollinators, The Garden School at RHSI is brought over 200 plants to Kilcross to be distributed free to everyone in the community.


All the plants had been grown by participants on The New Growth Project course based at Marlay Park, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16.



The Garden School is delighted to be working with local community groups to raise awareness about bio-diversity and to encourage more people to do their bit to help BEES by doing more gardening.


Gardening is great for the body and mind, and when we garden with nature in mind we can also make a positive impact on the environment.