Photography, Poetry and Art Projects by Ciaran Burke

Ciaran Burke

I trained as a horticulturist and became a horticultural tutor, that led me to setting up a social enterprise.

Through my interest in plants and gardens, I started photographing them. As my interest in photography grew, so did my need for artistic expression.

My initial projects grew from my gardening interest, and featured twig sculptures called ‘Scoodoos’. For my photographic project,, I photographed the same tree each day for a full year.

My creative need has found further expression through poetry. In my latest and ongoing projects, WashedUp and, I combine both pictures and words. The inspiration for the poetry comes from the memories and feeling that I associate with the photographs.

Sometimes words come without the prompting of images, and poems that I write without photographic inspiration often lead me to creating a piece of art work from other media to accompany the text.

I also feature photography in my Portfolios from my travels to Cambodia and Ghana.

My work has been exhibited in my solo exhibitions, including Hugh Lane Galleryin Dublin, Riverbank Arts Centre in Newbridge, Co. Kildare and Scoodoos sculptures have appeared in Dublin Castle and St Stephens Green.


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