Photography, Poetry and Art Projects by Ciaran Burke

As I Lie

After my fall, I lie
As I have been lying,
to create a mythology of existence,
the reality of an untruthful truth.

I lie, waiting for admiration,
some recognition of my presence,
highlighted in a cold illumination,
venal structures, my underside exposed.

As I lie, I wait, for the external force,
The reality to move me,
Tumble me, blow me to a dark place
where I can rest and return to earth

As I lie, I wait, for the external force,
The reality to move me,
Tumble me, blow me to a dark place
where I can rest and return to earth

And lying in the face of cold reality
I might find a truth
that after the beauty of my fall has faded
I will breakdown.

My fibre and being becoming one with the truth of life.

- Ciaran Burke

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