Photography, Poetry and Art Projects by Ciaran Burke

Self Improvement Blues

Theoretical journey to self improvement
in the mind it all makes sense, exploration
stretched leg places my foot on the kerbstone
sidewalk on the street of positive action

Knowing what is expected
the weight of judgement
I should do what is right
my mind lays out a path

The trust of others given in faith
I know what I could achieve
in moments of clarity it is easy
theoretical sense, rational positivity

Paved with reason and logic
each step moving me to
the right direction of expectation
get things sorted and moving on

The light starts to brighten the day
so bright that it blinds me
my eyes shut to repel the pain
letting me return to the dark

Here welcoming clouds of guilt caress
and indecision is a fog that comforts me
concrete kerb is now a wall to climb
broken glass in the coping, and I can't!

I step back to the realm of imagination my
failure smashing, making pieces of reason.

- Ciaran Burke

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