Would our parents still approve
if I was poor
if I quit my job of social standing
became a gardener
refused to be wed in a church
stood my ground
and refused to indoctrinate
our son and daughter
into their Catholic religion
no communion rites
confirming parties, wedding gowns
no bride in white
if they knew that you were no virgin.
Would you let me go if you knew
that I hated cats
lied to you about liking Friends
hated your friend
never did want to get married
nor have kids
but my mother said we were
so good together
and your father would not
let you live in sin
if I told you I hate staying in
I dread Friday nights
can't face another Late Late Show.
Would you want to be my friend
if I wore pink shirts
told you that I sucked a cock
swallowed cum
let a fat girl finger my bum
kissed a bloke
who wore fishnets stockings
that I fancied
chubby girls and skinny men
had threesomes
with a leather clad married couple
blew an Asian guy
while you ordered pints at the bar.
Who would still treat me as normal
if I spoke my truth
stand beside me in the local pub
knowing of my vices
accepting my sexual orientation
my self determination
embrace me at the family gathering
embracing my choices
could you look at me the same again
if I told my truth
unburdened my secrets and my past
no I don't think so
so I stay silent, I smile and I pretend.
Ciaran Burke
Solution falling from the skiesacid reaction to liquid dilutionevaporated from river and searisen after fall on distant terrain.Solution falling from dark cloudwashing […]