Crying, my first sounds, and I cried for two years more. I cried for hunger, I cried of anger, I cried for love, I cried when I was bored. Fart noises and nonsense, gibberish and leaf-formed words. I was encouraged and cajoled, each performance induced loud laughter. First words, long awaited, followed by unharnessed monologues, soliloquies on the daily adventures, the drama of LEGO construction. Then, the requests to be quiet interrupting the battles, plastic soldiers assaulting a kitchen chair, migraine headaches from machine gun sounds. Soon I had to be quiet all day in the classroom, seeking permission, walking corridors with finger covered lips. When my age required two numbers my world grew quieter still less games of imagination sitting by the TV, not too loud. In teenage torment, required to embrace silence and encourage it more. Homework conducted in isolation no music, no chatter, no talk. Acclimatised, withdrawn to solitude, headphone refuge, my personal noise while I lay on unmade bed, escape from their silence, complete. I could walk with my own cacophony the world around was filled with mutes, they responded by shouting, breaking their silent society. Dinners without headphones encouragement to converse my silent heaven tortured by questions, enquirers, requests. We are birthed by screaming mothers and slapped to make us cry, our first utterance is seen as joy. Then we scold each other for talking for laughing too loud ending life in silence, hope of silent death in our beds. - Ciaran Burke Like this: Like Loading...