Photography, Poetry and Art Projects by Ciaran Burke

Dark Room

Dark Room by Ciaran Burke
Dark Room by Ciaran Burke
The dark room, light fled
when I clicked the switch,
unheard noises fill the space,
creak of wood, gurgles in pipes.

Waiting.. Lying... breathing...
I start to fall, the slow drift.

The light inside that wont turn off.

Flip to the back, open lids
darkness fades
noises they whisper,
thoughts start to shout.

Plans for tomorrow,  fears from the past,
what if ? I should have, I wish...

The ticking of the travel clock,
from Castlebar, a decade back.
A.A.  Power
the teasing rhythm.

You. Will. Not. Sleep.
You. Will. Not. Sleep.

- Ciaran Burke

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