Photography, Poetry and Art Projects by Ciaran Burke

Light and Dark

Afraid of the dark and longing for light
dread lengthening days until solstice
the seeking sons of daylight fading
daughters of the morning subdued
wishing away the evenings on the level
waiting for the earth to rotate and turn.

We dream of living in the light
yearn for an imaginary diurnal eternity
for years of blue hued twilight nights
shortened by early rising and late
setting summer sun shy of slumber
embers of sunlight that flame to burn the day.

Living in light that never fades or wanes
we would miss the moon that would never wax
forever squinting to search for darker shades.
Would we hide from the blissful glare of life
be blinded by the euphoria of illumination?
Would we soon seek the darkest shadows?

Ciaran Burke
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