Photography, Poetry and Art Projects by Ciaran Burke

The Vulnerable Reason

You were different
from the crowd of conforming
standing out,
aware of your uniqueness
that you wore
with undrerstated pride.

Like the others
you performed your task,
your duties
for the system of growth
at any expense,
you had no choice.

You lived to leave,
waiting for the right time
The perfect scenario
that never presents
always an excuse,
the vulnerable reason.

So the seasons passed, the weather changed,
your dependence,
safety comforted you,
fed your fear of change.
They praised your blending to the system.

No longer different
the un-needed,
they let you go,
changing winds,
necessity leaving you to fall.

So there you lay, too late, no change, excepting fate,
waiting for the end of the world to embrace your decay.

- Ciaran Burke

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