Photography, Poetry and Art Projects by Ciaran Burke


If stability is more bodies on the streets
statistics wrapped in cardboard
Huddled in door ways coffee cup change
Volunteer soup services and GPO meals

If stability is thousands in hotel rooms
children with no gardens for play
home cooked meals an impossible dream
moving out on rugby weekends and st Patrick

If stability is 15 hours of pain and suffering
no doctor to see and treated like dirt
No beds for sick people corridor care
waiting eternity for an operation

If stability is immigrants held in camps
For longer than criminals that rape
denied dignity and stripped of respect
waiting in line for canteen food

If stability is the growing divide
the conquerors holding the keys
two hour commutes is carbon emitting lines
grandparent childcare the norm

If stability is no future for youth
no hope for the middle aged
no present for the elderly
no one accountable for past

Then give me revolt
shouts of dissent
words of truth
Pounding feet of change

Ciaran Burke
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